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Festivals & Events

Okyaku Culture of Tosa

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The Okyaku Culture of Kochi


In Kochi Prefecture, banquets and parties are thrown to celebrate various events and ceremonies, with anyone and everyone invited to join in regardless of age or gender, acquaintance or not! This open-party practice is known as Okyaku culture and is deeply ingrained in the daily life of Kochi as one of the essential aspects of mingling with locals.


How to Enjoy an Okyaku Gathering


At Okyaku gatherings, you can enjoy the flavors of sawachi cuisine, a regional dish of Kochi, served with local sake. Drinking etiquette of Kempai and Hempai (giving and taking of drinks) is practiced during the parties, along with ozashiki-asobi, which are games played with Japanese geiko entertainers—a few of the ways to break the ice with anyone.


Finding a Gathering to Take Part in


Every March, Okyaku of Tosa is held where you can experience the Ozashiki experience in various areas of the city. Many restaurants around the city offer a taste of okyaku culture where you can enjoy yourself amid the charms of Kochi prefecture.


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