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Lake Akan Ice Festival

Lake Akan Ice Festival Lake Akan Ice Festival
Lake Akan Ice Festival Lake Akan Ice Festival

Fireworks on the stillness of Lake Akan


The fireworks of the Lake Akan Ice Festival in Hokkaido provide an interesting twist on the displays offered elsewhere in Japan. The festival runs annually from early February to early March and takes place on the frozen surface of the lake itself.


Around 300 fireworks are launched at 7:30 p.m. every night, with sub-zero temperatures making the sky perfectly clear. You can fully immerse yourself in the colorful display without the huge crowds and light pollution of a city.


The event is also a great way to learn more about the culture of the indigenous Ainu people, who have lived off the land in Hokkaido for centuries. A special program of events for visitors includes traditional Ainu music, dance and food.


How to get there


The Akan Airport Liner highway bus provides convenient access to Lake Akan from Kushiro Airport. The bus departs in sync with arriving flights and the journey takes around 75 minutes. Reservations are advised.




Held from early February to early March.
For more information, visit:


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