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Winter Festivals

Ouchi-juku Snow Festival

Ouchi-juku Snow Festival Ouchi-juku Snow Festival
Ouchi-juku Snow Festival Ouchi-juku Snow Festival

Edo-style winter fun in Ouchi-juku


There are several seasonal festivals in this historic village, but the most popular is the splendid Ouchi-juku Snow Festival. It contains various events steeped in Edo period (1603-1867) character, such as an antique costume contest.


The romantic highlight is the display of candles placed in snow lanterns hanging outside the 300-year-old houses. Don't miss the fire ceremony on the first night, as a group of young men troop through the streets, dressed only in loincloths, carrying flaming torches to light each lantern by hand.


You can also try out the local gourmet specialty of negi-soba in Ouchi-juku. The noodles are as delicious as the experience is unusual — the locals use leeks to eat their noodles in place of chopsticks.



How to get there


The nearest station to Ouchi-juku is Yonokami Onsen on the Aizu Railway Aizu Line. This line connects to the shinkansen at Aizu-Wakamatsu Station. There is no bus service from Yonokami Onsen Station from December to March, so you will need to take a 15-minute taxi ride from the station.




Held on the second Saturday and Sunday of February.
For more information, visit:


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