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Matsunoo Taisha Shrine 松尾大社

Matsunoo Taisha Shrine Matsunoo Taisha Shrine
Matsunoo Taisha Shrine Matsunoo Taisha Shrine

Masterful gardens beloved of miso and sake brewers

Matsunoo Taisha Shrine lies at the foot of Mt. Matsunoo, along the southern area of Arashiyama . Although it may appear to be relatively modest in comparison to the many famous shrines and temples of Kyoto , it is a significant shrine worshipped by sake and miso brewers, and its three attractive inner gardens are well worth visiting.

Quick Facts

Founded in 701, it is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto

Sake and miso producers frequently patron this shrine

Turtles are a theme throughout the grounds, look out for their presence in the small statues around the shrine

How to Get There

Take the #71 or #28 bus from Kyoto Station to the Matsunootaisha-mae bus stop.

Shigemori's exquisite gardens

The gardens on the grounds designed by famous landscape gardener Shigemori Mirei are relatively new—they were completed in 1975. They are known as the “Three Shofuen Gardens.” Joko-no-niwa represents the mountains, Kyokusui-no-niwa recreates an entertainment garden for aristocrats during the Heian period, and Horai-no-niwa is a Kamakura period-style depiction of the Chinese concept of paradise. These gardens are the final work of master gardener Shigemori.

Around Matsunoo Taisha Shrine

Matsunoo Taisha Shrine is a nice side trip from Arashiyama and is also a 10-minute bus ride or 20-minute walk from Saihoji Temple, famous for its beautiful moss gardens. Be sure to apply in advance for a reservation to visit Saihoji Temple if you are making it part of your plan.

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